Month: October 2023

Updated Bylaws up for Vote

The Board of Trustees would like to invite you to a special meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday,  November 13 at the Dutchland Woods White House, 6689 Hansbrinker Drive to vote to amend the neighborhood bylaws. You are also encouraged to fill out the proxy below and mail it, give it to a board member, or text a photo of it to It will be returned to you if you attend the meeting. 

What is this?

The neighborhood HOA is governed by two documents. The bylaws dictate how business is conducted and outline roles of the board. The covenants are the rules for the neighborhood, such as what kind of fence a person can have and where garbage cans are stored.

This meeting will address only the first part, the bylaws. By passing these changes to the bylaws, the board can then turn its attention to the slightly more challenging updates of the covenants, which will take more time and neighbor input.



The board decided to update these documents to ensure uniformity across the neighborhood and to update terms and processes that were outdated. Currently, The Trails of Dutchland Woods is operating under a different set of covenants. For example, homeowners there must store their garbage can out of sight and may only install a particular type of fence. This is not the case for the rest of the neighborhood. The board opted to first update the bylaws because it is a more straightforward process with minor changes. A former board went through an updating process in March 2012, but it is unclear if it was formally filed. This will ensure everything is consisten, legal, and filed. The committee will later present an option for updated covenants at the annual meeting for vote, and residents will be invited to participate in discussions leading up to that.


What has changed?


The updated bylaws you are being asked to approve remain mostly the same, but add in wording to reflect current operations. We no longer pay a secretary to handle HOA matters, but rather we use a management company. When the bylaws were written, credit cards were not widely in use, and checks and cash were standard forms of payment. One update, for example, gets rid of the requirement to have two people sign off on bank checks, but instead creates a system of accountability between board members and the management company to approve purchases and reimbursements. 


Here is an example of an update with the bolded words newly added.  

  1. The Board secretary, or property management company, will inform the trustees each year of the expiration dates of the DWPOA Charter Certification non-profit statement of existence, which must be renewed every five years by the trustees or management company. 

The following is an example of a rule we have been following, but something that was never officially filed.

  1. A – The general membership shall conduct meetings annually.  The Board of Trustees shall determine the date, time, location, and order of business of the meetings.  The Board secretary shall provide written notice of the meetings, annual budget and any amendments to the by-laws to each member at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the meeting.

Where can I get more information?

You can read the entire proposed document here. 

– Revised By-Laws of Dutchland Woods -epa redline final for post.docx (1)

Significant business to be conducted includes:

Approval of the neighborhood bylaws. 

All lot and homeowners are urged to attend this meeting.  In order to have voting rights, property owners must be a “Member in Good Standing” of the DWPOA.  A “Member in Good Standing” means ALL assessments through the fiscal year 2023 must be paid in full and have no liens filed against the property.


Please return your proxy for this important meeting if you are unable to attend in person.  Your proxy may be assigned to a “Member in Good Standing” of your choice, or assigned directly to DWPOA Board of Trustees.  THE PROXY ATTACHED BELOW MUST BE SIGNED AND RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE Nov. 13, 2023.  You may return your proxy to a trustee, hand-deliver, or mail to DWPOA, C/O Stonegate Property Management, 431 Ohio Pike.; Suite 210; Cincinnati, OH  45255. .

For questions, contact Stonegate Property Management @ 513-528-3990



This is to certify that I, _____________________________________________________________________

                    (please print homeowner’s name)


Do hereby grant to ___________________________________________________________________________

Or DWPOA Trustees, the rights and authority to cast my vote in the matters of the Association during the Property Owners Annual Meeting of March 5, 2023 (or Makeup date – March 12, 2023).  


SIGNATURE:  ______________________________________ DATE:_____________________________


LOT NUMBER:  ____________ EMAIL ADDRESS:  ______________________________________________


Dutchland Woods Property Street Address: __________________________________________________


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