Neighbors Approve Dues for 2023-2024
During the neighborhood’s annual board meeting, residents in attendance passed a motion to amend the proposed budget increase of $20 to $30 with the intent of purchasing a fountain. The board had initially planned to ask for a $20 increase to offset rising costs and to build and maintain a reserve fund for any unforeseen needs. Prior to budget approval, residents voiced a desire to replace the fountain that broke and asked that it be included in the budget. They calculated that around $10 per household would cover the purchase and electricity costs. Annual dues will now be $410. The board will look at purchasing options for the fountain and work with neighbors who have expressed interest in the project. Also on the approved budget is a plan to replace the White House dance floor. A resident has volunteered to assist with the project to help lower costs, and she is going to paint the walls around the dance floor as well. Bylaws UpdateA few residents have expressed interest in a committee that will update the neighborhood’s outdated bylaws. One resident shared that he would like to address the issue of short-term home rentals when rewriting the bylaws. Anyone interested in joining this committee may contact the board or Mike Murphy. To pass new bylaws, it will requie signatures from three-fourths of neighbors. Volunteers will be needed to assist in getting these signatures. New Board ElectedIn other business, the board welcomed Jen Mehltretter and Monica Weber as new members. Continuing to serve on the board are Jack Crowe, Nina Earl, Lindsey Hilty, Joyce Franke, Robin Gabbard, and Robyn Watson. An organizational meeting will be conducted in April to determine board roles and responsibilities. As always, residents are invited to attend any meetings at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each month. If a resident has a particular item they wish to discuss in detail, they may contact the board or Mike Murphy in advance to be placed on the agenda.
Dates to remember:April 1: Annual Egg Hunt (Time To Be Announced) April 10: Board meeting (7 p.m.) May 5-7: Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale (More information to follow)